Supplementation: Your simple guide for why to supplement, how to supplement, and what to look for when buying
“Why would I need to supplement?”
Perhaps one of the number one questions asked in regards to supplementing is “why?”. This answer can vary based on who you speak to, but we’ll give you our “why” for supplementation. The reality we must face is that the average person is not and will not be giving their body 100%- whether that be through their eating or their lifestyle habits. That’s why we try to approach health & wellness from a realistic standpoint when a client walks into Wellness 360. Chances are you are not eating 100% clean, right? Let's explain what that means, the term clean can be over abused and overused. When we say clean in this context that means:
No Processed Foods
Minimum of 8 servings a day of vegetables
Minimal Grains + Dairy
Grass fed meats
100% Organic
No artificial sweets
Minimal natural sweets
Here’s what we know- it is almost impossible for someone to answer yes to all of those questions. Here’s what we believe, that is OKAY. We don’t expect you to be perfect, & we know we aren't either. That is where supplementing comes in. Supplementation is a great way to fill the cracks in the vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids & phytochemicals that you are not receiving from your diet or lifestyle.
“I tried supplements but I didn’t notice a difference”
There are many reasons you may not have noticed any changes or improvements. A few to consider; was the quality good enough?, Did you take the product consistently & as directed?, Did you give the product a fair chance? (That can be anywhere from 1-90 days, sometimes more!), Do you know the product was right for you?
“When do I have to take my supplements?”
That question, like most things relevant to your health, will vary. MOST supplements will absorb & be most effective when taken in the morning and on an empty stomach. This allows the supplement to absorb the fastest and at the highest rate without food obstructing the process. Some supplements are designed on an “as needed” basis- so the aforementioned rule does not always apply. Supplements such as digestive enzymes can be taken consistently in the morning to be effective but are also commonly taken throughout the day with food or as needed. Digestive enzymes' purpose is to assist the digestive system in the process of breaking down your food. Most frequently digestive enzymes are taken to assist with stomach discomfort, bloating, & the feeling over being overly full. Other supplements, like omega-3 fish oils, also are best to take with food, ideally high-fat foods, to absorb at their highest potential. Most products will have specific instructions disclosed on their packaging, but we always recommend speaking with a professional to ensure your regimen timing is best for you.
“But I heard you just pee out supplements anyway?”
Honestly, this isn’t fully wrong. That is why bioavailability matters. Bioavailability refers to your body's ability to absorb nutrients. This can be largely affected by the quality of the supplement you are taking. Oftentimes supplements are peed out or rendered useless because of the body’s inability to break down & absorb what you have just taken. That can be for a number of reasons, most commonly, due to the process in which the supplement is made. Many supplements are created with a myriad of binders and fillers that hold the supplement together (commonly pill forms). The problem with this process is that the body is not designed to break down those artificial binders and fillers, therefore making it difficult to receive almost any benefit.
This reason is what brought Isotonix into Wellness 360 in the first place. We have a deep understanding of the importance of supplementing but also an understanding of how hard it can be to find the right supplement line. We’ve taken the guesswork out of it, done our research, & brought you what we believe to be one of the absolute best supplement options on the market. Isotonix products are completely free of binders and fillers common in traditional tablet and capsule products so you know that you are getting only the quality ingredients you expect.
"Isotonic" means having the same fluid pressure as your other bodily fluids like blood and tears. When you eat food, drink a beverage, or take a pill or capsule, your stomach must first secrete diluting juices, enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and at least one vitamin-binding protein to continue the process of digestion. Muscular contractions of your stomach then mix the contents until a reasonably uniform solution is achieved. This process can take anywhere from 40 minutes to four hours.
In the time that it takes for most pills and capsules to disintegrate, and their contents to dissolve and transform to the proper isotonic state, much of their activity is lost. During digestion, the important micronutrients in pills and capsules can get trapped by fats, fibers, and tannins or inactivated by the highly acidic pH level of your stomach.
Isotonix products are scientifically formulated with the perfect balance of fructose, d-glucose, citric acid, potassium bicarbonate and other ingredients to ensure that they are isotonic the moment they enter your body. When properly mixed with water and taken on an empty stomach, the isotonic solution flows into your small intestine almost immediately. They were carefully formulated to clear your stomach at an optimal rate to maximize absorption. A pill does not fully deliver into your bloodstream the vitamins it holds within, either the pill is dumped whole into your intestinal tract or the active ingredients pass through without being fully absorbed. Vitamins taken in Isotonix form do not have these shortcomings.
“How do I even know what I need?”
That’s probably the hardest question of them all- because your health isn’t a one size fits all! Each person is different in the various supplementing options that are best for them. It can feel a tad overwhelming too, we get it. Staring with the basics like recognizing areas of your health you know need a boost, is your best bet. That can range from conditions you feel but can’t physically see (migraines, joint pains, mental health, energy levels, sleep issues), to things that are coming out onto the surface (acne, age spots/wrinkles, redness, hair loss, weight gain/loss, limping). The wellness 360 site provides a wide range of information on each isotonix product & conditions it may improve- but we’re here to help too! Send us an email, a social media DM, or give us a call! We make every effort to speak with each client BEFORE they purchase anything to ensure you are making the right choice in your products. We don’t expect you to be the expert, so let us!